Monday, October 22, 2007

Devil Music Made Me Have Sex

This made me laugh and remember high school all at once. That almost4 never happens.

Devil’s Music Made Me Have Sex!

This just in: Raunchy lyrics make teens all hot ‘n’ bothered. Led Zeppelin sighs

Friday, August 11, 2006

Let’s just say it outright: AC/DC is God’s most beautiful and significant gift to humankind.

Hey, it’s a fact. I personally spent upward of 3.6 billion hours (give or take) as a happy rebellious well-fed surly middle-class teen pounding my delicate eardrums and grinding my nerves to this glorious Aussie rock band’s dizzy brain-churning music, shaking my pale fist to their monster arena blues and soaking my burgeoning id in deeply profound lyrics of songs like “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” and “What Do You Do for Money Honey” and “Big Balls.” To their giant slab of hot divine truth, I hereby testify.

Around the time of my initial AC/DC affection, I also had sex. It’s true. And like many of the young male teen persuasion, I enjoyed it quite a lot. So much so that, also like many of the young male teen persuasion, I became passionately enamored and reverential of the female species, not to mention convinced that the overwhelming mind-altering time-space-bending force of my newfound enjoyment of this wondrous activity might somehow cause me to levitate and spontaneously combust and go absolutely insane. Simultaneously.

The rest of this is here.

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